Embracing Holistic TEAM Interventions,
A sound body is able to house a sound mind, and a sound body follows a sound mind—ancient philosophers have already spoken of this and promoted physical fitness to their philosophy students. Today, in holistic therapy and living, we are rekindling this idea of the body-mind connection, and we also acknowledge the role of the human spirit in the overall wellness equation. In a world of toxins and untold stressors, and of the resulting man-made illnesses and premature aging (as in auto-immune and gastro-intestinal disturbances; nerve and electro-magnetic radiation damage; heart disease, cancer and osteoporosis; early onset of Alzheimer’s, arthritis, rheumatism and other chronic, inflammatory disorders), it is increasingly difficult to be “sound.” Are allopathic medicine and pharmaceuticals sufficiently addressing our modern woes? Are there benefits in adding holistic/alternative methods and a qualified Life Coach to your treatment team?
Most doctors would agree that “Stress” is the leading cause for what’s ailing modern man, woman and child. However, stress is not only experienced in the body. Instead, it is experienced, first and foremost, in the mind, based on a real or perceived deficit between our resources and the demands made on us. Therefore, no medicines or body-treatments in the world will bring lasting relief, until we learn to avoid or cope better with stressors in our lives. This follows the same logic of removing the hand from the stove and/or turning the stove off, so we might finally be able to stop putting salves and bandages on the hand.
One cannot expect happiness to come from any body-intervention alone, medicine or surgery, if we don’t simultaneously learn how to be…happy--period. When the pain is gone after a period of physical suffering, we experience a brief “honeymoon” period of relief that might resemble happiness. However, absence of pain does not equal happiness. How many people have discovered that, after cosmetic surgery, for example, they soon crave yet another procedure, because their satisfaction with the changes was as fleeting as after purchasing an item they thought would bring them lasting bliss. However, happiness and life satisfaction are SKILLS which can be learned, and which are by-products of right thinking, feeling and living, instead of goals in and by themselves.
Support for Holistic Life Coaching can be found in a variety of sources. To name just two:
Dr. Mark Hyman, integrative Physician and best-selling author: “I don’t see how we can have a future of healthcare without Health Coaches.”
Tim Ryan, Congressman (Ohio): “I wish to take this opportunity to commend the work of Health and Wellness Coaches and wish this vibrant and valuable new profession continued growth and achievement…Health and Wellness Coaches work with individuals and shift them from being passive recipients of expensive health care interventions to adopting a responsible, self-directed, proactive stance that facilitates lasting positive change.”
Coach Lilo will partner with you in identifying and prioritizing key stressors and goals in your life, collaborate in designing (and motivating you to follow through) on a plan to achieve a life with vigor and joy, passion and growth, and with better physical, mental and spiritual health. Your Coach also provides Bio-Energy Consultations, modulating the human organism’s own subtle energy fields, for a unique experience of deep relaxation, remembering your life’s purpose, and recognizing obstacles in our unconscious “blind spots,” allowing for profound mental and spiritual “house-cleaning,” establishing new and improved boundaries, and for re-definition of ourselves. In the process, or as a result, we may discover a new sense of purpose and strength, and experience that, as we begin to blossom, we can also be more effective in impacting our world in becoming a more joyous and less stressful place, where body, mind and spirit can thrive.
Contact Lilo for an Appointment: [email protected] or 540-846-9307. Openings starting end of May, 2015.
Most doctors would agree that “Stress” is the leading cause for what’s ailing modern man, woman and child. However, stress is not only experienced in the body. Instead, it is experienced, first and foremost, in the mind, based on a real or perceived deficit between our resources and the demands made on us. Therefore, no medicines or body-treatments in the world will bring lasting relief, until we learn to avoid or cope better with stressors in our lives. This follows the same logic of removing the hand from the stove and/or turning the stove off, so we might finally be able to stop putting salves and bandages on the hand.
One cannot expect happiness to come from any body-intervention alone, medicine or surgery, if we don’t simultaneously learn how to be…happy--period. When the pain is gone after a period of physical suffering, we experience a brief “honeymoon” period of relief that might resemble happiness. However, absence of pain does not equal happiness. How many people have discovered that, after cosmetic surgery, for example, they soon crave yet another procedure, because their satisfaction with the changes was as fleeting as after purchasing an item they thought would bring them lasting bliss. However, happiness and life satisfaction are SKILLS which can be learned, and which are by-products of right thinking, feeling and living, instead of goals in and by themselves.
Support for Holistic Life Coaching can be found in a variety of sources. To name just two:
Dr. Mark Hyman, integrative Physician and best-selling author: “I don’t see how we can have a future of healthcare without Health Coaches.”
Tim Ryan, Congressman (Ohio): “I wish to take this opportunity to commend the work of Health and Wellness Coaches and wish this vibrant and valuable new profession continued growth and achievement…Health and Wellness Coaches work with individuals and shift them from being passive recipients of expensive health care interventions to adopting a responsible, self-directed, proactive stance that facilitates lasting positive change.”
Coach Lilo will partner with you in identifying and prioritizing key stressors and goals in your life, collaborate in designing (and motivating you to follow through) on a plan to achieve a life with vigor and joy, passion and growth, and with better physical, mental and spiritual health. Your Coach also provides Bio-Energy Consultations, modulating the human organism’s own subtle energy fields, for a unique experience of deep relaxation, remembering your life’s purpose, and recognizing obstacles in our unconscious “blind spots,” allowing for profound mental and spiritual “house-cleaning,” establishing new and improved boundaries, and for re-definition of ourselves. In the process, or as a result, we may discover a new sense of purpose and strength, and experience that, as we begin to blossom, we can also be more effective in impacting our world in becoming a more joyous and less stressful place, where body, mind and spirit can thrive.
Contact Lilo for an Appointment: [email protected] or 540-846-9307. Openings starting end of May, 2015.