"I pledge my life to God, my father in heaven, to my holy mother and to the spirit of Christ. I give you all my infirmities, addictions, guilt, shame and fears, and the grave errors of my past. I humbly ask your forgiveness, from the bottom of my heart, that you may use me in your sacred service and hold me close to you, forever more. It is my heart's desire to belong to you eternally! Amen, Amen, Amen."
This beautiful prayer was given to me during a deep meditation recently. I immediately thought, "How appropriate for this time of year, for Easter!" It is my wish to share it with others. May it bring us a step closer to our own, complete spiritual "resurrection." Personally, I am combining it with fasting, starting today, until Easter, and daily meditations. Perhaps you will join in?
This beautiful prayer was given to me during a deep meditation recently. I immediately thought, "How appropriate for this time of year, for Easter!" It is my wish to share it with others. May it bring us a step closer to our own, complete spiritual "resurrection." Personally, I am combining it with fasting, starting today, until Easter, and daily meditations. Perhaps you will join in?